Records transactions for different parties in fixes currencies. 3 types of transactions supported (Direct, Currency Transfer and Party Transfer).
Start with defining groups. Simple and easy - just name a group.
Then define the counter parties and if required attach a party to a group. One party can be attached to any one of the groups at any given point.
The system has 3 hard-coded currencies - INR, USD, AED
Once the parties and groups are set, start with recording transactions. You can enter the following types:
1. Direct - a single party credit or debit in a specific currency
2. Currency Transfer - Transfer an amount from one currency to another for a specific party
3. Party Transfer - Transfer amounts from one party/currency combination to another including the exchange rate to use.
Exchange rate types are: Forward and Reverse.
Forward implies when you transfer from USD to INR at 80 (1 USD = 80 INR). However if you transfer from INR to USD at 80 then it should be marked as Reverse rate.
You a view the party level summaries in the Report section. Select a date range and list of parties and hit the reload button to load the list of the transactions and also show the opening balances and closing balances for the given date range.
In the last section, additional users can be defined who can either be ADMIN (Full access) or STAFF (only access to view the transactions entered by them and ability to enter only PARTY TRANSFER type transaction). This section can also be used to change the password and logout from the system.